There's a thrift store I go to that always has tons of Children's records. Especially those newer 80s-90s ones with lots of dull songs about obeying your parents and respecting other cultures. I usually only buy them if there's something unusual there, like maybe a song about how to pee or perhaps a cover of "I Am the Walrus". Anyway There were several records (all signed on the back) by a guy named Thomas Moore... The others were slickly-made things with the usual themes about exercise and hygiene, but one stood out for its craptacular home-made cover consisting entirely of ball-point pen X's. A friend was over inspecting my day's finds, and she said "I wanna listen to this one." Puttin the German disco records aside, I put on "Thomas Moore sings The Family". Holy crap.
"Don't Feel Sad"
Basically, it's "Don't feel sad, if you're whole family is dead." I suppose its not the message that's bad (unlike the singing, songwriting, and piano)... But it is a bit shocking right off the bat. Other songs include "The New Baby At My House", "Look What I did This Morning", "I Get Mad", and "I'm a Special Kid". My favorite however has to be "The Family Jog"... Perhaps the greatest ode to jogging ever performed. Or the only one.
Mr. Moore, according to the liner notes, holds college degree in music, and a Ph.D. in child development. He has been an Education professor, and apparently now is an education columnist for the Charlotte Observer.
These recordings are available on CD (and cassette, wouldn't you know) from Dr. Moore's website.